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About Our Products & CBD

CBD101 - General

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound found in the resinous flower of cannabis, a plant with a rich history as a medicine going back thousands of years. Today the therapeutic properties of CBD are being tested and confirmed by scientists and doctors around the world. A safe, non-addictive substance, CBD is one of more than a hundred “phytocannabinoids,” which are unique to cannabis and endow the plant with its robust therapeutic profile.

CBD is closely related to another important medicinally active phytocannabinoid: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound that causes the high that cannabis is famous for. These are the two components of cannabis that have been most studied by scientists.

Both CBD and THC have significant therapeutic attributes. But unlike THC, CBD does not make a person feel “stoned” or intoxicated. That’s because CBD and THC act in different ways on different receptors in the brain and body.

CBD can actually lessen or neutralize the psychoactive effects of THC, depending on how much of each compound is consumed. Many people want the health benefits of cannabis without the high – or with less of a high.

The fact that CBD is therapeutically potent as well as non-intoxicating, and easy to take as a CBD oil, makes it an appealing treatment option for those who are cautious about trying cannabis for the first time.

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the second major cannabinoid found in cannabis plants like hemp and marijuana. CBD is one of over 60 active chemical compounds (or ‘cannabinoids’) in the marijuana plant. It’s usually the second-most abundant cannabinoid, behind THC.

Unlike the other major cannabinoid THC, CBD is non-psychoactive. The effects of CBD include: alerting at low doses, sedating at high doses, reduces pain, relaxes muscle spasms, potent anti-inflammatory, stops nausea/vomiting, reduces anxiety/depression, counters psychotic thoughts, anti-oxidant, anti-convulsant, neuro-protectant, and anti-tumor effects

What is the best CBD to buy?

A recent report revealed that over 70% of CBD products sold online and in-stores do not contain the strength and claims stated on the product’s label. MedChoice CBD offers one of the best CBD product lines in the industry. We only use organic and non-GMO hemp plants for our CBD products. Every batch gets tested and assayed for the exact strength and quantity stated on our labels. In fact, our products contain some of the most diverse cannabinoid profiles in the market providing the best results.
CBD Study

What are the benefits of CBD products?
Preclinical and clinical studies suggest that cannabidiol (CBD) has broad therapeutic value. Over the past year, hundreds of CBD-related studies were conducted across dozens of countries and institutions. Many of them contribute to the growing understanding — and acceptance — of CBD. Over the course of this year (and many years prior) Cannabidiol has been shown to be a potential therapy for:
Does CBD come from marijuana or hemp? And what’s the difference between the two?

Marijuana and hemp are two different varieties of cannabis that come from the same species of plant (Cannabis sativa L). In general, CBD is found abundantly in both.

However, it’s important to note that CBD is typically found in the seeds and stem of marijuana – not in the flowering buds (which is the part that you smoke). The hemp plant is an entirely different strain of cannabis that contains high quantities of CBD throughout (stem, buds, etc), and practically zero traces of THC. If a hemp plant contains more than 0.3% THC, it is then technically a “marijuana” plant. Most CBD-based products come from the industrial hemp plant.

What is CBD oil?

CBD oil is a liquid cannabis extract that contains virtually pure CBD. It’s commonly made from seeds of the hemp plant (CBD hemp oil) and the stem of industrial hemp. A CBD oil or tincture is made by mixing a CBD extract from a cannabis plant into a base like alcohol or hemp seed oil. The CBD oil is meant to be held under the tongue and absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

What does Full-Spectrum Mean?

Full-spectrum is all the good things you get from a plant. The good things come from a wide range of cannabinoids, terpenes, antioxidants, nutrients, and other plant compounds present in the hemp plant. It can provide a greater effect than CBD alone as all the cannabinoids work together, as nature intended, in what is known as the entourage effect.

How does CBD work?

CBD functions by binding to cannabinoid receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system. These receptors have been found in virtually every cell and tissue type in the human body.

Is CBD Natural?

Yes, CBD is a 100% naturally-occurring chemical compound that comes directly from the cannabis plant. It is not synthetically made. MedChoice CBD products are all-natural and considered premium grade.

How is CBD isolated from the cannabis plant?

CO2 extraction is the best method to extract pure CBD isolate, in which state it exists as a clear/white crystal. This method is preferred over other methods because it leaves practically zero traces of chemical contaminants in the end product.

Alcohol extraction is another method, wherein a liquid such as ethanol, butane, or hexane is run through raw plant material to extract the CBD and then evaporated to leave only the active cannabinoid. This can be a dangerous method because it’s prone to leaving excess traces of the butane or hexane chemicals in the extract.

Also, infusing vegetable oil (i.e. olive oil) is another effective way of extracting CBD. All you do is grind up the raw plant material, decarboxylate (heat) it, and let it sit in boiling (100-deg Celsius) oil for about 2 hours.

What’s the difference between CBD and THC?

THC affects the brain by binding to naturally-occurring CB-1 receptors in the central nervous system. CBD is a differently-shaped molecule that binds to CB-2 receptors in cell and body tissues outside the central nervous system.

In summary key differences:

  • Hemp contains a negligible amount of THC, but is higher in CBD. It’s used in foods, dietary supplements, skin products, clothing and paper.
  • Marijuana is generally grown to have higher levels of THC, the psychoactive compound that gets you high. Marijuana generally has lower levels of CBD.
What is CB1 Receptor?

CB1 (cannabinoid-1) is a receptor type in the ECS believed to be located primarily in the brain and peripheral nervous system, activated by all types of cannabinoids. CBD signals the body’s natural mechanisms to activate those receptors to do more of what they do naturally.

What is CB2 Receptor?

CB2 (cannabinoid-2) is a receptor type in the ECS believed to be located primarily in the peripheral tissues of the immune system, the gastrointestinal system, the peripheral nervous system and to a lesser degree in the central nervous system. CBD signals the body’s natural mechanisms to activate those receptors to do more of what they do naturally.

Will CBD get me high?

No, CBD will not get you high. CBD is considered to be a non-psychoactive cannabinoid so it will not get you high in the way that marijuana (THC) gets you high. In fact, CBD is antagonistic to the marijuana high; it actually prevents THC molecules from binding to the brain’s receptors (hence the reason why it’s often used to subdue the ‘paranoia’ effects of super-potent THC strains).

Can you overdose on CBD?

CBD has been shown to be safe to use in high doses. CBD will not cause a fatal overdose. However, it is possible to take too much CBD. A consequence of taking too much CBD is the increased chance of negative side effects like lethargy or drowsiness.

Are there side effects of using CBD?

The only significant danger/side effect of the drug is in vaping CBD oils that were produced using a thinning agent, such as propylene glycol. When burned/vaped, propylene glycol produces formaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen. CBD oils produced by CO2 extraction are much safer and more pure than oils that were produced with liquid alcohol/thinning agents.

Other than that, most research has concluded that CBD is perfectly safe with no known side effects, though some users have reported drowsiness, lightheadedness, low blood pressure, and dry mouth.

Are drug interactions possible with CBD?

Yes. CBD is metabolized by a group of enzymes in the liver called the CYP450. These enzymes are responsible for metabolizing many commonly used drugs. CBD can inhibit the activity of the CYP450 enzymes. While CBD-drug interactions are more likely with high doses of CBD and CBD isolates, precaution must be taken when using CBD alongside life preserving medications for serious conditions.

The following link provides common drug interaction with cannabis which may apply to CBD as well:

Always check with your doctor before taking CBD products while on medications.

How do I take CBD?

Most CBD medications are taken orally via oil drops that are placed under the tongue and held for 60 seconds before swallowing. Other forms of CBD (oral gummies or capsules) may take longer to get in your system, but are also very effective. Topical CBD has a fast absorption as well. You may want to try CBD gummies or capsules to start and add CBD oil for best results.


In states where medical marijuana is legal, any CBD product (whether it comes from hemp or marijuana) is of course perfectly legal.

Thanks to the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill, zero THC CBD is not illegal in any state in the USA. That’s right; according to federal law, it is legal in all 50 states.

In summary:

  • Yes, it is legal to purchase and consume hemp-derived-CBD in all 50 states.
  • Marijuana derived CBD is not legal federally.
  • The government classifies hemp as any plant of the cannabis family that contains less than 0.3% THC.
  • It classifies “marijuana” as any plant of the cannabis family that contains greater than 0.3% THC.
Can I cook with CBD?

Absolutely! CBD infused oils are a fantastic ingredient to cook with.

Do CBD Topicals work?

CBD topicals have proven effective for skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, as well as for localized muscle soreness and joint pain resulting from arthritis-induced inflammation. There are also studies showing improvement in skin appearance when using CBD topical with other anti-aging ingredients.

Will CBD Show up on a drug test?

A high-quality CBD product with minimal THC is incredibly unlikely to show up on a drug test. However, low quality CBD products may contain more traces of THC than they claim, in which case it is possible for a screening to pick up on the drug. Some CBD cannabis oils and CBD hemp oils will contain either a small account or significant amount of THC. Even if the amount of THC is very small as in the case of CBD hemp oil (< 0.3% THC), a drug test failure can occur if the person using the CBD oil in large quantities.

With all of that in mind, we encourage all of our customers to decide for themselves the likelihood that they will be tested and what that particular test’s parameters are before taking our full-spectrum products. Consult your physician for more information.

What is the ideal dose of CBD to take?

Short answer is, it depends! For effective treatment of the majority of conditions, most people use between 10-50 mg of CBD per day total. You may want to start with gummies / capsules or lower doses of oil to evaluate the effectiveness. You can gradually increase the dose until you find the ideal dose for you. It may take a week or so until you really feel the full effect of the CBD. Always check the label for dosage and potency. For example, 1 mL of a potent oil might contain 50 mg of CBD.

How long does it take for CBD to take effect?

The length of time it takes for CBD to take effect will depend on the rout of administration. Aside from smoking (or vaporization), the fastest effect will be felt from sublingual dosage (oils and sprays) which has an onset of effects in 15-60 minutes. The slowest effect (but the longest lasting) will be felt from oral ingestion with onset felt in 90+ minutes.

CBD For Pets

Will my pet get high from CBD?

No, CBD is the main active ingredient, and CBD does not cause a high and is non-psychoactive.

How does CBD help my pet?

Yes, CBD products can be safely used for both canines and felines.

How much CBD do I give my pet?

CBD provides natural support for the health and balance of your pet’s neurological, physiological, immunological, and endocannabinoid systems. CBD pet treats can help relieve and manage conditions such as:

Nausea, loss of appetite, chronic pain, inflammation, pain, anxiety and behavioral issues.

How long does it take to see effects?

We typically recommend a single CBD treat for your dog or cat. Large dogs (over 20 lbs) can get two treats per day. If you don’t see any significant results after two weeks, you can add 1/ to 1 CBD treat. As a reference, MedChoice CBD Pet Chews contain 5mg of CBD per treat.

How long does it take to see effects?

Initial results are typically seen in 3-5 days with significant effects in 10-14 days. The delay in response is due to the time it can take for cannabis receptors to be made and activated in appropriate amounts; this naturally has individual variation.

Ordering & Shipping Questions

Will my pet get high from CBD?

No, CBD is the main active ingredient, and CBD does not cause a high and is non-psychoactive.

How does CBD help my pet?

Yes, CBD products can be safely used for both canines and felines.

How much CBD do I give my pet?

CBD provides natural support for the health and balance of your pet’s neurological, physiological, immunological, and endocannabinoid systems. CBD pet treats can help relieve and manage conditions such as:

Nausea, loss of appetite, chronic pain, inflammation, pain, anxiety and behavioral issues.

How long does it take to see effects?

We typically recommend a single CBD treat for your dog or cat. Large dogs (over 20 lbs) can get two treats per day. If you don’t see any significant results after two weeks, you can add 1/ to 1 CBD treat. As a reference, MedChoice CBD Pet Chews contain 5mg of CBD per treat.

How long does it take to see effects?

Initial results are typically seen in 3-5 days with significant effects in 10-14 days. The delay in response is due to the time it can take for cannabis receptors to be made and activated in appropriate amounts; this naturally has individual variation.

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Sample Assay Tests

CBD Test Sample
CBD Isolate Test Sample

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